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As members of the Canaan Community Church we, under God, prayerfully and joyfully enter into this covenant with one another, to keep and preserve the commitments which we made when we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.
We seek, as one body in Christ, to be led by the holy and supreme authority of God the Father, the Lordship of His Son, Jesus Christ; and the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We join together in thankfulness for the two ordinances of the church which we perpetrate through our practice, Christian Baptism and the Lord's Supper. We agree that our lives should be guided by the two great Commandments, that we love God with all our heart, soul and mind; and that we love our neighbors as ourselves.
God being our witness, we pledge, one to another that:
1: We will strive together to promote a spirit of love, hospitality, humility and forgiveness in our associations together.
2. We will hold to the faith and promote the evangelizing of the lost.
3. We will be faithful in our assembling together on the Lord's Day for worship.
4. We will practice good stewardship by cheerfully giving of our time, abilities, and material possessions, as God has prospered us, for the furtherance of His Kingdom.
5. We will encourage and be supportive of those who lead us.
6. In our daily lives, we will strive for the more perfect way in our dealing with others.
7. We will strive to develop our spiritual life through private and family devotions and through study of the Holy Scriptures.
We further covenant that in the event we move from this community and this church, we will unite with another body of Christians of like faith so that we can continue to promote the building of the Kingdom of God.
December 2017
The New Testament teaches that the church is the visible organized expression of the Body of Christ. The
people of God are to live and serve in obedience to the Word of God and under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
This Church shall bear the name of Canaan Community Church, Incorporated.
As Christ's Servants:
To afford every man, woman and child in our sphere of influence the opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel. (Rm 10:14)
As Christ's People:
To practice our priesthood, continually striving to mature in the fruit of the Spirit. (1Pet 2:9, Gal 5:22)
As Christ's Body:
To cultivate our spiritual gifts by fostering personal awareness of gifts, equipping through teaching, empowering in opportunity, and engaging where God leads. (1Cor 12:4-12)
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. (II Timothy 3:16)
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (I Timothy
2:5, John 17:22-23, Ephesians 1:13-14)
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 2:11), in His virgin birth (Matthew 1:23), in His sinless life (I Corinthians 5:21), in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood (I Peter 2:24), in His bodily resurrection (I Corinthians 15:4), in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:8,11).
We believe that the salvation of lost and sinful man comes only by grace through His shed blood. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a
Godly life. (John 14:26)
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. (John5:28-29)
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Galatians 6:10)
Section 1. Persons professing faith in Jesus Christ; giving evidence of the Christian experience, such as fruits of the Spirit; and believing in the statement of faith and giving consent to the Covenant of this Church may
be received into membership.
Section 2. All applicants for membership, 18 years of age and older, after completing the Pastor's new membership class and individually being interviewed by at least two Elders shall be candidates for membership.
Section 3. Candidates for membership shall be formally received into membership at a subsequent Sunday service.
Section 4. The membership of Canaan Church shall be classified as follows:
A. Active Member is a member who regularly attends the services of the Church and who gives financial support to the Church. For the purpose of voting on Church matters, all Active Members in good
standing are eligible to vote.
B. Inactive Member is one who fails to show interest in the Church through attendance at meetings and services of the Church, or in giving of financial support for its work for one year. Inactive Members shall forfeit all voting privileges.
C. Upon being classified as inactive, a person shall be contacted by the Elders to determine the intent of the person. Upon returning to regular attendance and support for a period of three months, such person may be returned to Active status. If the person does not return to Active status within 6 months, they shall be removed from all membership status and be informed of this in writing.
Section 5. Membership in Canaan Community Church may be severed by letter.
Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the two recognized ordinances of the Church. Baptism is taught and practiced as a scriptural principle (Mat 28:19, Acts 10:47-48). The Lord's Supper (Communion) is administered regularly (Luke 22:17-20).
Section 1. Annual Congregational Meeting.
The congregation shall meet each year for the purpose of conducting the annual business meeting and electing officers, officials and boards. The Annual Congregational Meeting shall be announced from the pulpit two Sundays prior to the meeting and the agenda and list of voting members must be posted. The members present at such announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. Special Congregational Meetings.
A. The Governing Board may call a special meeting of the congregation to consider such items of business which lie outside the scope of its authority. Two week notice from the pulpit must be given the membership and the agenda and a list of voting members must be posted. The members present at such an announced meeting constitute a quorum.
B. Twenty-five per cent of the Active Membership may petition for a special congregational meeting either through the Senior Pastor or the Chairman of the Governing Board. Two week notice from the pulpit must be given the membership and the reason for the petitioned meeting must be posted. The members present at such an announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3. Rules of Order. All meetings of the Church shall be conducted according to Democratic Rules of
Order where these do not conflict with the Constitution.
Article VII – The Governing Board
Section 1. The Governing Board shall be the executive agency of the Church. It is to carry out, under God, what it believes to be the will of the Church. Its decisions are subject to review by the Church membership at any business meeting. A quorum of 50% of the Active Members and 60% of those present and voting shall be necessary to change any decision of the Church Governing Board.
All officers, officials, committees and organizations, except the Nominating Committee, are amenable to the
Governing Board.
Section 2. The Governing Board shall consist of the following, who will annually elect a Chairman and Vice- chairman:
A. The Senior Pastor as an ex officio member
B. The Chair and Vice-chair of the Board of Elders
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Assistant Treasurer
F. The Chair and Vice-chair of the Board of Deacons
G. The Chair and Vice-chair of the Board of Deaconesses
H. The Chair and Vice-chair of the Board of Trustees
I. Director of Christian Education
Section 3. Duties of the Church Governing Board.
A. The Governing Board may fill vacancies as they occur for any elected position between annual meeting elections. Candidates, to serve the balance of the term, are to be recommended by the Nominating Committee.
B. Further, the Governing Board is:
1. To arrange for the support of the pastors and other paid personnel of the Church. All agreements shall be reviewed at least annually.
2. To have prayerful and diligent oversight of the various ministries of the Church.
3. To hear any member of the Church who wishes to present any subject relative to the interest of the
Church and to make such recommendations to the Church as it deems necessary.
4. To weigh carefully all instances of inability, incompetence or unfaithfulness in any elected or appointed officer or official and to take appropriate action for the benefit of the Church.
5. To implement the provisions of the constitution.
The Officers shall be Active Members of the Church and give evidence of Christian experience for Church leadership. They shall consist of the following who, with the exception of the Chairmen, shall be elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting if the office is becoming vacant: Governing Board Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Chair of Trustees, and such other officers as may be designated by the laws of the state. Other elected leaders shall be termed Officials.
Section 1. Pastorate. The Pastorate shall be selected according to the qualifications set forth in the Bible; be ordained; and shall be called upon the majority vote of the Active Membership present at any regular or special meeting, two weeks’ notice having been given from the pulpit and posted. The Pastorate shall be an example to the Church; exercise prayerful and diligent oversight of the Church, watching for the souls thereof as one that must give an account; and earnestly seek the salvation of the lost and the edification of the believer, that in all things may be approved of God. The Pastorate shall be recognized as the spiritual
Leadership of the Church and shall be responsible for the public services and the general promotion of the Church activities. Pastors and their spouses are designated as active members, but Pastors are not eligible for any elected position.
A. Senior Pastor. He shall carefully watch over and guide the spiritual interest of the Church and perform all the duties inherent in his position as Pastor. He shall have general spiritual oversight of the Church
and its various activities. He shall be a member of the Elder Board and an ex-officio member of all other boards and committees and may call a special meeting of any of these upon advanced notice to all members of said committees and boards.
B. Associate Pastor. He shall assist the Senior Pastor in the management and conduct of Church activities and is amenable to the Senior Pastor.
C. At least thirty days’ notice shall be given in case of the termination of a pastor's service either by recommendation of the Governing Board and a vote of the Active Members at a Special Congregational Meeting, or at the request of the pastor. A shorter notice is permissible if mutually agreed upon by the Governing Board and the pastor.
Section 1. Chairman. The Chairman shall preside over Governing Board and Congregational meetings. The Chairman shall also call special Governing Board meetings, as needed, with advance notice.
Section 2. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the congregational meetings and the Governing Board meetings, shall conduct correspondence of the Church as directed by the Governing Board, shall prepare a written annual report and shall be responsible for the custody of Church records and important documents.
Section 3. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Church and pay all bills on order of the Governing Board; keep proper records of all transactions; file canceled vouchers and receipts for payments made; present a written financial report at the Governing Board meetings and prepare a written annual report. The Governing Board shall determine where the funds of the Church shall be kept.
Section 4. Assistant Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall, with the Treasurer or another member of the
Governing Board, be responsible to count all monies.
Section 5. Board of Elders. The Board of Elders shall be the Senior Pastor and other Active Members of the Church, the candidates each year to be determined by the Nominating Committee. This board shall elect, from its non-pastoral members, a chairman and vice-chairman each year.
Section 6. Board of Deacons. The Board of Deacons shall be Active Members of the Church, the candidates each year to be determined by the Nominating Committee. This board shall elect a chairman and vice- chairman each year.
Section 7. Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall be Active Members of the Church, the candidates each year to be determined by the Nominating Committee. This board shall elect a chairman and vice- chairman each year.
Section 8. Board of Deaconesses. The Deaconesses shall be Active Members of the Church, the candidates each year to be determined by the Nominating Committee. This board shall elect a chairman and vice- chairman each year.
Section 9. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Senior Pastor, two members appointed by and from the Governing Board and three Active Members who have been in regular Canaan Church attendance for at least two years, selected by the Church. The committee shall elect a chairperson and shall serve for one year.
The duties of the Nominating Committee are:
A. It shall select qualified candidates, who are Active Members of the Church, for each Officer or Official vacancy. The candidates, having agreed to serve and having had the duties of the position explained to them as directed in the By-laws, shall be announced to the Church at least fourteen days prior to the election which shall be held at the Annual Congregational Meeting.
B. It shall select one or more names for each vacancy occurring between regular annual elections and will give its recommendation to the Governing Board.
C. It shall nominate candidates to fill vacancies for the Board of Elders, the Board of Deacons, the Board of Deaconesses, the Board of Trustees, Director of Christian Education, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.
D. The Nominating Committee shall prepare ballots for the election, count the ballots during the annual meeting and announce the election results.
Section 10. Christian Education Committee. This committee shall consist of the leaders of the ministries that are part of the Christian Education department. The committee chairperson shall be the Director of Christian Education.
Section 11. Missions Committee. This committee shall consist of those who are committed to seeing that the Church fulfills the commands of the Great Commission. It shall be chaired by an appointee of the Governing Board.
Following approval by the congregation, candidates for office, after successfully completing the training for their office, may serve fully in that office. The scope of the training is jointly developed by the Pastorate and the Governing Board.
After becoming fully qualified in their positions, consenting Officials and Officers shall remain in office, subject to; their acceptance of another year term; an annual reconfirmation by both their peers who recommend them to the Nominating Committee and the congregation.
Anyone, other than Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, having served for six consecutive years as an Officer or Official, shall step aside from that position until one year shall have passed.
A person may leave a position as an Officer or Official upon written resignation, or action of the Governing
Appointments by the Governing Board, except for filling a vacancy in an elected office, are for one year terms unless specifically stated in writing at the time of the appointment.
Section 1. Property. The Church may acquire, own, dispose of, improve, encumber and convey property, both real and personal, for Church purposes in conformity with the laws of the state where the property is located. Real property may be purchased, sold, conveyed, exchanged, mortgaged or encumbered only by order of the congregation through the Governing Board.
Section 2. If division occurs in the Church, the name and property shall be retained by those adhering to this Constitution. If the Church ceases to function and its organization be dissolved, the Governing Board shall, after and upon the payment of all indebtedness, assign all Church property over to a likeminded organization to renew the Christian witness, or use the values thereof for further Gospel enterprises.
Section 3. Records. The official records of the Church and all its departments are the property of the Church. All financial records shall be audited on order of the Governing Board. In the event of the death or resignation of the incumbent or upon the election or appointment of a successor, any records shall be passed on to the successor. All records, other than current, shall be kept in a secure riposte selected by the
Governing Board.
Section 1. The Governing Board shall conduct the financial affairs of the Church in keeping with the specific stipulations of God's Word. This Church shall carry on His work by systematic offerings. Such offerings are to be brought on the "first day of the week" and "as God has prospered".
Section 2. Counting of funds.
A. The monies received each service shall be counted by the Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer. At least two persons shall count the monies at all times. Should absences occur, any member of the Governing Board can be asked to assist in the counting of monies.
B. The Governing Board shall have determination of all funds received, seeking to disburse funds as they have been designated.
C. Identity of contributors shall be confidential.
Section 3. The Auditing Committee, consisting of the Board of Trustees, shall make audits of the books of the Church Treasurers and of such other organization treasurers as the Governing Board may designate. Their reports shall be presented to the next meeting of the Governing Board after the audit.
Section 4. All Funds received by the Church, and for which no provision has been made by the Constitution or By-laws, shall be controlled and disbursed by the Governing Board.
Section 5. No programs or projects which have, or which may have, the effect of involving the credit of the Church, or the creation of any obligation for, or in the name of the Church by any individual or group, acting alone or as the representative of any auxiliary, organization, or group of the Church, shall be initiated without the written consent of the Governing Board.
Section 6. All auxiliaries, organizations, and groups within the Church shall convey any funds received directly to the Church Treasurer.
Section 7. No offering or solicitation of funds shall be taken or made within the Church or any of its departments except upon the approval of the Governing Board. Occasional “Gideon Style” Love Offerings for guests, speakers or special circumstances are allowed, with collections delivered to and disbursed by the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer.
Section 8. The financial year of the Church shall be January 1 to December 31.
By-laws not in conflict with the provisions of the Constitution or the laws of the State may be adopted or amended by the Governing Board upon an affirmative vote of at least eight members of said body.
Any addition or change to the By-laws shall be reported to the Members and posted within two weeks following its adoption.
The Constitution may be amended at a regularly scheduled meeting of the congregation. The proposed amendment will be posted and the meeting announced from the pulpit at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. A quorum of 50% of the Active Members and 60% of those voting shall be necessary to pass an amendment to the Church Constitution. Absentee ballots will be provided, upon one weeks advance request, to those Active Members who cannot attend to vote on such amendments. These ballots must be signed and submitted by mailing to the attention of the Nominating Committee at the church or by placing in the box provided. They must be received before said meeting and will count toward the quorum.
November 19, 2017
Section 1. Annual Congregational Meeting.
The annual meeting of the congregation shall be held during the first 14 days of December to allow the regularly scheduled Board Meeting to occur after the annual meeting has occurred.. At this meeting reports from the Church boards, committees and departments will be presented and action taken on any Church matter presented. All boards, committees and departments of the Church shall submit to the Church Secretary a written report fourteen days prior to the Annual Congregational Meeting. Section 2. Special Congregational Meetings. Special meetings of the congregation, whether called by the Governing Board or the Membership, shall be held as soon as is practical, but not more than 30 days after the official request.
Section 1. The Governing Board shall meet at a regular time specified by this Board for prayer and consideration of the work of the Church. Reports, financial statements, and other pertinent action and information will be posted.
All newly elected officers and officials to the Governing Board are encouraged to attend the December Governing Board meeting to facilitate transition. They shall assume their duties on January 1.
As members of the Church, the Governing Board shall make every effort to attend the regular services of the Church.
Section 2. If the Chair or Vice-chair of one of the four boards is not in attendance at a Governing Board meeting, another member of that board may vote in their place at that meeting.
Section 3. Authority and Responsibilities of the Church Governing Board.
A. The Governing Board:
1.. Hears the recommendations of all of the boards and committees and makes final decisions related to financial commitment and obligation; one twelfth of budgeted annual amounts may be spent in each calendar month by the ministries for whom they were budgeted, without additional approval, unless directed otherwise by the Governing Board, who shall evaluate at each monthly meeting whether cash flow allows such expenditures.
2. May create new auxiliaries, or committees, or institute new methods, as it deems advisable for the welfare of the Church.
3. Considers and approves a financial budget as presented to it by the budget committee, formed by this Board, for the ensuing year and recommends it to the congregation for their final approval; and to approve, control, and supervise the raising and the disbursing of funds for acquiring of real estate and/or new buildings.
4. May assist the Board of Elders, as requested, in serving communion, counseling at the altar, etc.
Section 1. Board of Elders. Duties of the Board of Elders shall be:
A. To care for the membership of the Church, maintain the membership list and contact absentee members, placing them in inactive status if warranted.
B. To meet with the prospective new members.
C. To serve the Lord's Supper.
D. To take a leading role in the prayer ministry of the Church; counsel the needy; pray for and visit the sick; deal spiritually with those that come forward in the services.
E. To research, discuss and pray concerning spiritual issues, thence reporting their decisions to the Governing Board.
Section 2. Board of Deacons. Duties of the Board of Deacons:
A. They shall arrange for ushers who shall be responsible for the receiving of the offerings and for greeters who shall greet the guests and visitors and provide them with information concerning the Church activities and ministry. This responsibility will involve all public services of the Church.
B. They shall take a leading role in the prayer ministry of the Church.
C. They shall be in charge of the charities of the Church; arrange to visit the sick and needy as the Elders should request and use the relief funds as may be available. Relief funds to be provided by special relief offerings.
D. They shall assist, as requested, the Trustees in the physical maintenance of the Church properties.
Section 3. Board of Trustees. Duties of the Board of Trustees:
A. Have oversight of all the property of the Church.
B. Provide for adequate routine cleaning of the Church and be solely responsible for the supervision of the same.
C. Have supervision of all purchases, changes and repairs on the Church property. No order for capital assets or capital improvements shall be valid without the signature of two Trustees. Purchases in excess of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) must be approved by the Governing Board. In the case of an emergency repair as decided by the complete Board of Trustees, they are empowered to spend up to two thousand dollars ($2000.00).
D. To provide an annual audit of the books.
Section 4. Board of Deaconesses. Duties of the Board of Deaconesses:
A. Prepare the elements for the Lord's Supper.
B. Send flowers to members and regular attendees in case of death or hospitalization and to provide cards for death of members sisters, brothers etc.
C. Arrange and prepare family dinners for funerals as needed.
D. Arrange for food to be taken to the homes of members as may be deemed necessary in case of illness or death of a family member.
E. Arrange for and secure necessary supplies for the Church kitchen.
F. Arrange for and supply seasonal and special decorations in the Church.
G. Schedule and oversee dinners and special fellowship functions of the Church.
Section 6. Christian Education Committee.
Duties of the Christian Education Committee:
A. To seek to understand the specific needs of each area of the Church's educational ministry.
B. Evaluate, determine and supervise the education curriculum of the Church.
C. Discover, encourage, train and appoint all Church educational workers.
D. To add, delete or combine classes or organizations under its jurisdiction.
E. To schedule and coordinate all educational activities on the Church calendar.
F. Determine the use and assignment of rooms and space for the educational ministry.
G. Be in charge of the Church nursery for Sunday morning activities, arranging for staffing and equipment necessary. Section
7. Missions Committee.
Duties of the Missions Committee:
A. To keep the congregation informed about the missionaries with whom we are associated.
B. To arrange for the administration of the Faith Promise pledges.
C. To communicate with our missionaries and determine their needs.
D. To coordinate Missions Conferences and other missions emphases.
E. To coordinate arrangements and promote short term missions opportunities.
Section 8. The Pastorate may select, with the approval and appointment of the Governing Board, a volunteer staff to assist in the ministry. They shall work with the Pastorate to care for the ongoing ministries that need extra planning and coordinating. Their ideas and plans shall be presented to the Governing Board for approval and channeled to the appropriate committees. The staff shall be amenable to the Governing Board.
Section 9. Orientation.
A. Prior to accepting a nomination from the Nominating Committee for election as a candidate to an office, the qualifications and requirements of the position shall be explained to the potential candidate, using resources established by the Governing Board and the Pastorate.
B. Nominating committee members and newly elected candidates shall successfully complete the specific training required for each office in a timely manner after being elected. (Modified 11/16/14)
Section 10. Reports.
All Boards and Committees are to meet at a time and place determined by said groups and, except the Nominating Committee, give a report of their meetings to the Senior Pastor, the Church Secretary and, as appropriate, the Governing Board. Boards are to meet regularly. At the January Governing Board meeting, that Board shall elect its chair and vice-chair. The four other boards shall elect their chair and vice-chair prior to the January Governing Board meeting.
End of By-laws